Overcome discomfort, achieve lasting relief.
Struggled to voice your concerns over bladder problems in the past? At The Woman’s Clinic, our expertise in bladder health empowers patients to seek the care they need. As always, the first step to obtaining a proper diagnosis is an honest conversation with your physician.
Bladder Challenges:
An Under Discussed Issue
Did you know that one out of every four women between the ages of 30 and 59 – and 50 percent of the elderly – struggles with urinary incontinence? If you’re struggling, you’re far from alone.
Bladder conditions like these affect people not only physically, but also emotionally, psychologically, and socially.
Embarrassment, social isolation, and depression are all common side effects, making compassionate care even more important!

Our Bladder Health Expertise
We have particular expertise in treating the following bladder conditions:

Incontinence and other voiding dysfunctions

Overactive bladder

Interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome

Urinary tract infections

Pelvic prolapse & prolapse surgery

Pelvic pain

Symptoms of Bladder Problems
At the Woman’s Clinic, we may diagnose conditions for women experiencing symptoms such as:
- Incontinence
- Urinary frequency and/or urgency
- Urinary tract infections
- Overactive bladder
- Neurogenic bladder
- Nocturia
- Voiding problems
- Pelvic prolapse/pelvic surgery
- Interstitial cystitis
- Constipation
Do any of these apply to you? Get in touch today.
What to Expect During Diagnosis
If you’re nervous about seeking treatment, don’t worry! Your comfort always comes first, and we’re here to make the process as stress-free as possible.
We have a few ways to determine the root cause of your discomfort, including:
- Pelvic floor muscle assessment
- A look at your medical history
- Pelvic examination
- Urinalysis
- Urine culture
- Post void residual
- Office urodynamics (cystometrogram, uroflow, UPP, voiding pressure study)

Potential Bladder Treatments
After a thorough assessment, we are able to offer several treatments with the goal of helping you re-participate in your normal daily activities and hobbies. Different options include:
Noninvasive Therapies
- Bladder retraining
- Toileting programs (habit training, prompted voiding)
- Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
- Dietary management
- Fluid management
- Constipation prevention/management
- Patient education
Rehabilitation Therapies
- Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation using biofeedback or a referral to Physical Therapy
- Intermittent catheterization instruction
- Fitting of devices (intermittent catheterization, catheters)
- Pessary placement
Drug Therapy
- Anticholinergic/OAB drugs
- Antibiotics
- Topical estrogen
- IC treatments
- Elmiron
- Bladder instillations
Surgical Interventions
- Stress urinary incontinence surgery
- Suburethral sling procedures
- Transobturator sling surgery
- Pelvic organ prolapse surgery
Other Treatments
- Indwelling catheterization
- Skin care product recommendations and care
- Absorbent products and device recommendations
- Referrals for dietician, psychologist, and physical therapy
Bladder Health Resources
When it comes to women’s health, few things are more powerful than knowledge. Between now and your appointment, read up on our latest bladder health findings:
I Need My Beauty Sleep! Why Do I Have to Urinate So Much at Night?
Do you find yourself constantly rushing to the bathroom, even when you’ve just emptied your bladder? If this scenario sounds familiar, you may…
Oh, My Aching Bladder! Can a Gynecologist Treat a UTI?
Women who are experiencing pelvic region health issues can seek help from a gynecologist or a urologist. Your OB-GYN can test and treat…
Continence Health: The Bladder & Pelvic Floor Muscles
Continence is the ability to control your bladder and your flow of urine. Urinary incontinence means that you are not always able to…